Landing for Public Speaking



Fear of public speaking or Glossophobia can be dramatically reduced or eliminated with hypnotherapy whether you are new to public speaking, stepping up into larger formats, had a recent embarrassment or the problem has existed since you were young. Both the fear and physical symptoms like nausea, sweating and panic are addressed.

Go even further and enroll in my 1:1 private Own the Stage Workshop to become an effective speaker and connect with your audience

This combination of therapy and coaching is effective for leaders, executives, or anyone looking for confident speaking in front of groups large and small or even one-on-one.

Fear of public speaking Glossophobia
75 %
of people experience Glossophobia, the #1 fear

(National Institute of Mental Health)
10 %
of people find public speaking debilitating

(Harvard Business Review)
40 %
of experienced speakers still have anxiety

(Science Daily)

Jason Akel, CCHT, ACHE

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Life & Mindset Coach

 Do You Experience?

  • Anticipatory symptoms before the event itself
  • Higher blood pressure or heart rate
  • Can't catch your breath
  • Tightening chest
  • Increased perspiration
  • Dry mouth
  • Clenching or stiffness of muscles or jaw, seemingly involuntary
  • Nausea and feelings of panic
  • Go "blank" right before or during your speech
  • Catastrophizing
  • Imposter syndrome thinking

Would You Prefer?

  • Normal breathing and heart rate
  • Relaxed feelings in the body
  • A sense of excitement rather than nerves
  • Positive thinking and confidence
  • Strong stage presence
  • Think clearly and adapt in the moment
  • To enjoy the experience

There's Hope!

Use your voice and your body to amplify the best parts of you! Push beyond the discomfort and become comfortable and enjoy public speaking.

Learn presence, showmanship, storytelling, thinking positively to transmit your passion to your audience so they follow you. Even get comfortable with interruptions and the unexpected.

Meet Jason

Client Reviews

"It was very encouraging to work with Jason. Public speaking is the absolute last thing I would ever want to do in life. After a few sessions I was confident in delivering my speech, and succeeded in doing so better than I could have imagined. It was an all around great experience to work with him, and to be able to overcome my biggest fear!" Read it on Google.
Joe T., Colorado
"The ceremony was awesome.  I did a great job [officiating]… thanks to you!! [I didn’t get too emotional] - I just paused breathed and move on. I felt very comfortable through the entire ceremony."
Michael, Georgia
After first session: Doing pretty good, actually. Not dreading it, so that's an improvement.

Right after big speech: "Went really well. No nerves at all during the event, though still didn't sleep all that well before. Standing ovation at the end, believe it or not. Thanks for all your help."

Getting ready for next event: "Thanks! I am looking forward to it!"
Danville, California
"Just wanted to share with you that when my wife got home from work and without me even mentioning anything of our appointment noticed a shift in my energy. I’m so incredibly grateful to have gotten to meet you and these gifts you have given me will be cherished and spread. You changed my life with one appointment and am excited to work with you again. From the bottom of my heart thank you."
Josh L., Texas
"I found Jason to be tremendously professional and more importantly effective during our sessions. He was thorough with his questions and follow ups to ensure the program's success. Jason is an ace in his field." Read it on Google.
Les V., New York
"Finding Jason and Village Hypnotherapy has been the one good thing in this horrible year! In finding hypnotherapy I feel like I've been connected to a part of myself long buried under negative self talk, excessive worry and anxiety. I'm starting to find the essence of myself again, and to gain skill with tools like guided meditation to calm me when anxiety threatens to take over. I was very impressed with Jason's ability to explain what hypnotherapy was, and ease my fears about it. I look forward to seeing where this process takes me, and am grateful to have found it immensely helpful in my journey to regain balance and tap into my dormant creativity!" Read it on Google.
Jaime L., California
"I cannot recommend a more helpful, most attentive therapist. This was truly my last resort in solving my issue with my anxiety and panic attacks. Jason made the whole experience very simple to understand. He is very caring and very patient. He also helped me with making a healthier lifestyle for myself. He would argue I did it myself but without his push I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now. I will always recommend Village Hypnotherapy for anyone looking to help make a permanent change in their life." Read it on Google.
Angelica G., Texas
"This is not my first time using hypnosis to achieve my goals. But this is by far the best experience I have had. Jason is an excellent listener. He asks questions to get to the heart of your issues. He uses his skills to hone in to my problem areas and fine tune each session. Each session may be different that is up to you. My life is hectic and with his guidance I can now go to my calming place, icy snow in the air and brandy in hand when I need it most. My physical health is improving because I am more centered and calm. I see my goals ahead and continually work towards matter what gets in the way. Thank You Jason!!Read it on Google.
Lisa L., North Carolina
"Just a lovely experience. From the beginning, Jason made me feel welcome and relaxed. He was able to understand my problem and correct it with his guided hypnosis. After my sessions with Jason, the remaining hours of my day would just melt away. Any stress I had would just disappear. He is a master at his craft. Thanks again!" Read it on Google.
Barrett. C., California
"I didn't think quitting my marijuana vaping habit was something I could do without a bit of help. I'm not chained to any rhythm of needing to vape anymore. I am free!! I will continue living my life as a non-vaper. I am able to get through an incredibly stressful workday and 45+hr work week, while raising a 15 month old without needing to take constant puffs. Jason assists by helping you break the habit with simple but effective tasks leading up to the therapy session. He is then able to help your subconscious teach you that it is really up to you to make a change and that you CAN make a change! Jason was even kind enough to give me the tools for self-hypnosis, should I need a quick break from my every day anxieties."  Read it on Google.
Bianca F., California
“What I desperately needed was to start making art again, take care of my physical self better, specifically exercising regularly and losing weight. Searching online, I found Jason Akel. Jason is matter of fact and knowledgeable. He is also warm and personable. After an initial consultation I began to work with him on FaceTime. I live in the Northeast and Jason lives in the Bay Area. Neither the geographic distance nor my initial fears about not 'knowing how' to participate in Hypnotherapy turned out to matter. After 5 fascinating sessions I am making significant progress in all three of my goals. I unreservedly recommend Jason." Read it on Google.
Nancy Y., New York
"For a long time I dealt with personal trauma and anxiety and I finally felt like it was time to work on myself. I did a 90min session the first time where he got to know me a little more and understood what the issues was and helped me break it down to something that was manageable. Then for the second session he focused of the hypnotherapy portion which felt like a deeper level of guided meditation. After the session I felt more relaxed and at ease and also learned some new tricks to deal with anxiety. I would definitely recommend his services!" Read it on Google.
Aurora D., Maryland
“Jason was a great guy to help stop my habit of biting my nails. I instantly felt comfortable with him during our first session and it only got better as we did more sessions. Jason showed a true interest and care in what I needed. His calming voice was perfect for the relaxation portion of the hypnotherapy and I never felt uneasy during the sessions. I highly recommend Jason to anyone who has a habit that they just cannot break. He was excellent! Plus, in just a few sessions I was able to improve greatly thanks to Jason’s help and I have not been biting my nails anymore!" Read it on Google.
Kurt P., Illinois
"Hypnotherapy was definitely the last thing I thought would help when I suffered from a debilitating phobia/battle with OCD this summer, but Jason was the one professional that really helped remove my obsessions and anxiety. I highly recommend him to anyone who is needlessly suffering." Read it on Google.
Karen K., Texas
"I want to tell everyone I know to meet with Jason! It's as though he helped me reveal an inner super power I've always wanted. He is so talented. Make the appointment!" Read it on Google.
Brooke E., North Carolina
"I am so glad Jason reached out to me. I was at my end with theses dogs barking and had no idea what to do anymore. I took a shot on the internet and to my surprise there was hope. After talking with Jason and trying hypnotherapy for the first time, I felt relief shortly after. Very comforting and relaxing. I didn't feel alone anymore either with this issue. I feel a great weight has been lifted that had been there for awhile. Thank you so much, Jason." Read it on Google.
Randy F., Arizona
"Jason helped me with my claustrophobia which enabled me to get an MRI. I would not have been able to do it without his help." Google.
Joe P., New York



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